The Crusher EX
Due to the pandemic, I wasn’t planning on doing any races after I got home from the Iditarod Trail Invitational. I was going to take a whole year off. I was going to spend the year reflecting on myself, figuring out how I could be a better person, learn how to manage my time a little better, doing cool things around the house. I wanted to go on more adventures with my husband and our two dogs. I wanted to landscape the yard and make my own soap and to organize all of my camping gear. Things never go exactly as planned, and I'm okay with that. Chelsea Enter my good friend, Chelsea Strate, who suggested that we sign up for the Crusher EX in the Yoop. All my plans for taking it easy this summer were hucked out the window and I agreed to do the race with her pretty much instantly. I love Chelsea and I would go on any crazy adventure with her! The Crusher is a 225+ mile “enhanced gravel” race that loops out from Marquette’s Forestville campground. Chelsea and I have ridden Dirty Kanza ...